Song Playing is:~  Unchained Melody...

'Samuel's portrait'

On April 1st 2002, just a few weeks after having our Samuel, we decided to take a short break away from home...  Last year, at the same 'holiday' destination, we had a Portrait drawn of our Precious angel Jack by artist Philip Harvey, which was so beautiful...  I so dearly wanted one drawn of our new angel baby 'Samuel' too, so I took a photograph with me...

We were so pleased when we saw the artists working...  It was cold, it was 'Easter Time', but they were there!  'Andy Saunders' was the artist who I spoke to and who was going to do our Samuel's Portrait...  I gave the photograph I carried of Samuel and was asked to call back in a few hours...

Andrew returned to collect the Portrait a while later, and once again, it was absolutely beautiful...

Doing a 'drawing' from such small photographs is obviously very difficult indeed, but it is perfect...  So beautiful, just like Samuel...

Here is the original photo which the Portrait was drawn from...

'Andy Saunders'

...and here is a photo of the the artist who drew Sam's Portrait!  Andy also drew the portrait of Sophie...

'Thank You so very much Andy for the portrait of our Samuel, It is truly beautiful!

...and Portraits of Sophie, Our angel Jack and Ben!

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