Song playing is:-  Unchained Melody...


This is Andrew's brother Dean and his wife Mandy...  For some reason we never had any photographs of Mandy & Dean with our Jack...  I really don't know why, we tried to think of everything...

I was so sure we had a photo, yet when I started to do this page for Jack ~ I realised we never...

I was going to try and take some photographs to a specialist where I hoped that I may be able to have a photo of Jack put on with a photo of Mandy & Dean...

It felt so incomplete without their photo with Jack...

Mandy and Dean ~ you came to meet our precious Angel and instantly fell in love with him...  Thank you so much for your precious gifts that you gave us for him, you know where they are ~ they are with him ~ in 'his place'...

Thank~You for being there for us and for giving Our Jack so much love...

I would like to add here though, that the photo you see above was created for us by a very special lady who came to visit Jack's website and made a dream come true for all of us...  She sent us an 'email gift', with Jack placed in the arms of Mandy & Dean!  What Theresa has done for us, Mandy and Dean, I don't think we can ever explain...

The original photo was this one:~

Theresa, Thank~You so, so much for your very precious gift...

Please take some time to visit Theresa's beautiful little 'angel Grace Brianna' at:~