Song Playing is:~  Blessed...  (In Memory of Angel Makayla Zayne Hogue)



'Our special friend'

~ cindy hogue ~

I include here on our angel Jack & Samuel's Memorial Website, a dedication to our very special friend, Cindy...

Cindy with husband Denny

Cindy and I first started to get to know each other through the 'Potters Syndrome Forum Support Group', (an online group for families struggling to cope after the 'loss' of their little babies from 'Potters Syndrome'), and through the websites that we each had in Memory of our Precious Angels...

Cindy lives in 'Ohio' in the U.S.A and has been an inspiration to us here in England throughout the past 15 months since we lost our first born angel ~ 'Jack' ~ to Potters Syndrome and now the 'loss' of our new baby 'Samuel' to the same disease...  Since then we have become so very close, although the distance saddens me so very much...

Cindy has played a major part in our lives since losing our 'two little baby boys', and it has been her strength and love that has helped us through our everyday uphill struggle...


Cindy is married to Denny and mum to 'Todd' and a Very Special Grandma to her First~Born, sweet Heavenly angel Grand~Daughter, 'Makayla Zayne'...

Makayla was born on February 17th 1996 at 10.30am, yet heartbreakingly, Makayla had 'Potters Syndrome' too, and left for Heaven on the 18th February 1996 at 7.06pm...  Cindy knows the pain of 'losing' a Grandchild to this devastating disease and also feeling the pain that her son Todd was experiencing, 'Makaylas Daddy'...

Makayla is such a beautiful angel, and it is through our 'angels' very short time here on Earth, that has bought Cindy and I together, but I so dearly wish that we could have met under completely different circumstances...


angel makayla zayne hogue


Daddy with Makayla!

Makayla's tiny fingers curled so lovingly around 'Todd's ~ Such a beautiful photo ~ yet with such sadness.

please click here to visit angel makaylas website

Cindy was one of the first people I told our news to when we were expecting our 4th baby...  When we told her the results of our devastating scan results, 'she was our strength' from that day onwards...

Cindy sent a parcel through the post to us here in England, shortly before our angel Samuel was due to be born...  There were so many gifts and also some photographs that we treasure dearly...  In the parcel was a card and a gift, which Cindy had asked us not to open until our 'labour day'...

When our labour day came, we called Cindy (it was early hours of the morning there) and told her that our baby was going to be born that day, and that we would call again when our baby was born...  Andrew and I knew it was time then that we could open Cindy's gifts...  There was a 'candle' and a 'handwritten card' that Cindy had wrote some very special words in...  So special, that as we were reading, a lump was in our throats and our tears just fell...

We 'lit' Cindy's candle and placed it close by our bed, right next to where we were going to deliver our baby and it flickered throughout the birth of our Samuel...   Cindy's card was also by our side..  We also had a song playing in the background that Cindy had sent us, it was by 'Diamond Rio' and called 'One More Day'...  This song had such an impact on us, that we also had it played at our Samuels Funeral...


Cindy has not only been a tower of strength to Andrew and myself, but also to many other 'parents', 'grandparents' and other members on the 'Potters Syndrome Forum online Support Group', who have had to endure the pain and heartache of losing a precious little baby...

Cindy is an inspiration to myself and my family here in England...  Her 'phone calls', her 'emails' and her 'prayers' have been a tremendous source of strength in our long 'road~to~recovery' these past 15 months...

Cindy, for being 'you'...


Cindy with beautiful angel Makayla


To end on, I would like to include some poetry, taken from a 'Calendar' that Cindy sent to us, titled...

'Rare people create wonderful friendships'

I would like to share with you the Months since we have had this beautiful gift.....



There are few people in this world who are so caring ~
Whose natural instinct is to put someone else's needs ahead of their own;
Who offer encouragement when it is needed;
Who are always there to listen with a smile and a loving, open heart.

There are people in this world who never want or expect praise for their good deeds,
Because that's just the way they are.

You are one of those rare people…
How fortunate I am that you are my Friend!

Andrea L. Hines



I have always seen my life as a journey on a road to tomorrow.
There have been hills and valleys and turns here and there
that have filled my life with all kinds of challenges and changes.
But I made it through those times,
because there were always
special friends I met along the way.

My special friends are the ones who have walked beside me,
comforting my spirit or holding my hand
when I needed it the most.
They were my friends who loved my smiles
and were not afraid of my tears.
They were true friends who really cared about me.
Those friends are forever; they are cherished and loved
more than they'll ever know.

Deanna Beisser



There are so many things to do each day,
There is so much going on in the world of great concern,
That often we do not stop and think about what is really important to us...

One of the nicest things in my life,
is my friendship with you...
and even if we don't have a lot of time to spend with each other,
I want you to always know,
how much I appreciate you,
...and our friendship.

Susan Plois Schutz


Lastly, I would like to dedicate the poem for 'July' to Cindy...

As we walk our path of life,
we meet people every day
Most are simply met by chance,
but some are sent our way...

These become the special friends,
whose bond we can't explain
the ones who understand us,
and share our joy and pain...

Their love contains no boundaries,
so even when apart
their presence still embraces us,
with a warmth felt in the heart...

This love becomes a passageway,
where even 'miles' disappear
And so these friends, life sends our way,
remain forever near.

Lisa Pelzer Vetter



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