Song Playing is:~  Unchained Melody...

'Our Thank~You's'

I would like to dedicate this page to everyone who has been a part of our sweet Samuel's life...

'Our Specialists/Our Midwives'

My first Thank~You must go to our Specialist 'Mr Eddy' from our Hospital and our Midwives Lisbeth & Julie, who with their experience and commitment to their profession, provided us with unconditional care...  Thank you also to Mr Eddy's team of dedicated staff, for their understanding and time given to us throughout our regular scans and appointments at the hospital...

Thank You also to my own GP for her support and understanding throughout my pregnancy and after the birth of our Samuel...

'Our Vicar'

  Our Vicar 'Chris Newlands' for coming so quickly to our home after the birth of our Samuel and for doing his 'Blessing' for us...  For your wonderful Tribute to our Samuel and our family on the Funeral Day, and for your Prayers and words of wisdom throughout this time...

'Our Family'

  To all of our families throughout this very difficult time once again in our lives...  It hurts so much to see everyone we love so sad and hurt too...  Samuel was a part of all of your lives too, a nephew, a grandson and a cousin...  Thank you to my dad for coming over from the U.S.A. and for attending our Samuel's Funeral Day...  Thank you to just everyone for all of your help, understanding and comfort these past few weeks...  We  love you all so very much...

'Cindy Hogue'

  To my very Special Friend Cindy and her family in America...  For all of your prayers, your phone calls, your comfort and your strength...  Cindy, you have been such an inspiration to us throughout the 'losses' of both of our precious little babies, Jack & Samuel, and I will hold you close in my heart, always...

'Our Friends'

To all of our friends for your caring thoughts, cards and wishes throughout our heartbreaking loss of our precious Samuel...  Thank you for attending our Samuels Funeral Day and for 'being there' for us...

'The Potters Syndrome Support Group'

To just everyone who is a member of this very special 'online' group for parents, grandparents and families that have had to experience this tragic loss due to this most heartbreaking syndrome...  To Michele and Delores for 'starting' the group, for allowing 'us' out there in the big, wide, cyber world, a place to come to when we need to sit and talk, cry, shout or scream...

Your Support Group has not just given me an online place to come to for support, but it has also given me 'strength' and the courage to face life again, and although the 'road to recovery' is very rocky and all uphill, the support group is making this journey a bit easier for me...  For that, I THANK YOU...

'My Internet Friends'

To all of my friends on the 'net' who have emailed and been in touch since knowing of our Samuels arrival...  Your emails have touched my heart so very much...  For all of your thoughts and caring wishes, and ongoing support for us and our family, we Thank You...

Lastly, to absolutely everyone who has been a part of our Samuel's very short, but treasured life...  Your thoughts, care and compassion for us throughout this time will be remembered in our hearts, for always...

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