Song Playing Is:~  Endless Love...

'Treasured Memories'

On this page you will find some of our most 'Treasured Memories' of our beautiful angel baby 'Samuel'...

'Memories' to be treasured'...


There are so many memories we have of our sweet 'Sam'...

Having our Sam born at 'home' with just our family and midwives with us was the most 'Treasured experience'...  We gained so much comfort from being in our own home, especially knowing that our 'angel Jack' was here with us too... 

Samuel was born in our 'bedroom', with 'soft music playing' and a 'candle burning', sent from a very special friend of ours 'Cindy'...

The 'memories' start from our pregnancy and all the way through to the birth and then after...  There was Samuels first 'cry', 'first bath', the 'taking of his hand and footprints', 'our first cuddle' and so many more...

Here I include some photographs of just a few of our 'Most Treasured Moments'...

Please click on the 'Thumbnails to view a larger photo!

'Just Born'...    'In Mummy's Arms'...    'So Painful'...

'Sam' in his Moses Basket!    'First Bath'...    'Heavenly Hand & Foot Prints'...

'With Our Jack's Memory'...    'With Our Jack's Memory'...    'With brother Jack's Photo'...

After clicking on the 2 Thumbnails below, please be patient while the larger photo loads...  The files are larger so that the text is readable!

newspaperlower.jpg (25508 bytes)    paperstorylower.jpg (105936 bytes)

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