Song playing is:~  I Will Always Love You...

'jack's service'

Our Jack's funeral Service Day

Our front door closed behind us and we carried Jack to John's car...  (John was our Funeral Director, and also a personal friend.  His son is a good friend of Andrew's, he knew us well and knew what we would want during this time)...

We had asked John that we wanted to do 'everything possible' on the day for our Jack, carrying him everywhere we had to go and even to place him in his little casket after the funeral...

Everything we had arranged and wanted to do ~ we did...

The journey was just a short 5 minute drive to the church...

We arrived at the Church, Andrew helped me bring Jack out of the car and I carried him into the church, our hearts breaking even more with each and every step...

Our family and friends stood outside whilst we carried Jack in...  On entering the Church, more family and friends were there inside...  I carried Jack with Andrew by my side at all times...  He held on to the other little wicker handle on Jacks 'Moses Basket'.

Our Vicar Chris had arranged 'a little table at the top' ~ with 2 chairs beside it for Andrew and I to sit on so we could be close to Jack at all times...

The organist played our requested song on entering the church ~ 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' ~ it was played beautifully...

The Service began, yet I can remember little of it...  I remember touching Jack's little face and hands throughout it all, letting him know we were there, close with him...

I only remember taking my eyes off him twice, to glance at our daughter Sophie who had asked to sit with her 2 Nanna's and Granddad to 'help look after them'...

The Church was packed with family and friends ~ although we remember seeing 'no-one'...  focusing solely on our Jack...

After the first Hymn, 'All Things Bright and Beautiful', we had 2 carols...  'Away in a Manger' was our choice and 'Silent Night' was chosen by Sophie for Jack...

The Church was filled with such emotion, I remember hearing the cries from our family and friends and our own tears falling onto the handles of Jacks Moses Basket...

~This is our most Precious Angel throughout the Church Service ~

The Service was the most wonderful tribute to Our most precious little baby Jack...  Although he was only on earth for just such a short time, he gave so much love to so many people.  Chris our Vicar opened his heart to all of us, not afraid to show his feelings too...  His tears fell like everyone elses...

His Service touched our hearts ~ it was beautiful...

When the service was over in the church, I carefully picked Jack up and carried him back down the aisle, past all our family and friends & back to John's car, where we would next be going to the Chapel~of~Rest...  This would be where we would be saying our 'final goodbyes' to Jack, where Andrew & I would place Jack into his 'final resting place', and where our yearned for 'cuddles', would now be our last!!!!!!!!!

Click on the links below to take you to the last step of our Jack's Funeral day ~ The Chapel of Rest/Our Last Journey and also for Jack's Carols and Hymns...

Our Last Journey

Service Sheets/Hymns

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